10 Skills of Strategic Doing
We incorporate many of the practices of Strategic Doing in group projects and collaborations.
Strategic Doing is a proven discipline for managing collaborations of loosely-connected networks.
You can learn these practical skills by doing, in a Shady Lanes Group Project. Links to some of the articles for groups related to each topic are included below.
4 Questions and 10 Skills of Strategic Doing
Before You Begin
Create a Safe Space for Deep, Focused Conversations
Frame the Conversation Around an Appreciative Question
What Could We Do?
Uncover Hidden Assets That People Are Willing to Share
Link & Leverage Your Assets to Create New Opportunities
What Should We Do?
Rank All Your Opportunities to Find Your 'Big Easy'
Convert Your Big Easy into an Outcome with Measurable Characteristics
What Will We Do?
Define a Pathfinder Project with Guideposts
Create a Short-Term Action Plan with Everyone Taking a Small Step
What's Our 30/30?
Set a Next Meeting to Review Progress and Make Adjustments
Nudge, Connect, and Promote Relentlessly to Reinforce Your New Habits of Collaboration
Find out more on the Strategic Doing website